Hi, my name is Brendan, I am 6 years old. I am in first grade. I like to ride my bike and play video games. I love going to church, my favorite part of church is AWANA that stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. We have lots of fun things to do at AWANA like, game time, Green Meadow Time (Bible Stories and character qualities), my absolute favorite time is Sparkle Time that is when were recite our scripture memorization verses. I have lots of fun playing with my friends Kyle, and Keith; we do all kinds of fun things. Like riding our bikes, playing hockey, and playing at our clubhouse. I like being home schooled because, it is fun to have Mom for a teacher, because she teaches us lots of different things like, how to read and math. She also teaches Character First, this helps us to be more attentive and more responsible for our actions.